

class doc_builder.base.BaseBuilder(version, force=False)

The Base for all Builders. Defines the API for subclasses.

Expects subclasses to define old_artifact_path, which points at the directory where artifacts should be copied from.

build(id=None, **kwargs)

Do the actual building of the documentation.


Clean the path where documentation will be built

create_index(extension='md', **kwargs)

Create an index file if it needs it.

docs_dir(docs_dir=None, **kwargs)

Handle creating a custom docs_dir if it doesn’t exist.


An optional step to force a build even when nothing has changed.


Move the documentation from it’s generated place to its artifact directory.


Documentation Builder Environments

class doc_builder.environments.BuildCommand(command, cwd=None, shell=True, environment=None)

Wrap command execution for execution in build environments

This wraps subprocess commands with some logic to handle exceptions, logging, and setting up the env for the build command.

  • command – string or array of command parameters
  • cwd – current working path
  • shell – execute command in shell, default=True
  • environment – environment variables to add to environment

Flatten command

run(cmd_input=None, combine_output=False)

Set up subprocess and execute command

  • cmd_input (str) – input to pass to command in STDIN
  • combine_output – combine STDERR into STDOUT
class doc_builder.environments.DockerBuildCommand(command, image=None, mounts=None, name=None, remove=True, user=None, environment=None, **kwargs)

Create a docker container and run a command inside the container

Build command to execute in docker container

  • command – Command to run as a string or a lists of strings to be joined as space-separated.
  • image – Docker image to run a container from. This is set in settings as well
  • mounts – List of tuples defining pairs of paths to be mounted, the first element should be the host path, the second should be the container’s path.
  • user – User to run command as
  • name – Container name
  • remove – Automatically remove container after container command exits
class doc_builder.environments.DockerEnvironment(version)

Docker build environment, uses docker to contain builds

If settings.DOCKER_ENABLE is true, build documentation inside a docker container, instead of the host system, using this build environment class. The build command creates a docker container from a pre-built image, defined by settings.DOCKER_IMAGE. This container is started with a mount to the project’s build path under user_builds on the host machine, walling off project builds from reading/writing other projects’ data.

Parameters:version – Project version to be building

Run build command in container

This serializes the version object into JSON, which is passed through Docker, into This management command reads the JSON on STDIN, and builds a mocked up version object to pass around the build process. After the build process, JSON is output on STDOUT and read by this command, converting it back into a results dictionary.

We also set environment settings to pass into the docker command, for overriding settings in the subprocess django instance inside the container.


This is a temporary hack. We shouldn’t need to pass JSON back and forth, but cutting off all access to API and Celery is a necessary part of containing builds. In the future, builds should happen in a contained environment like LXC or Docker containers, but this code should managed build state outside the process, eliminating the need for IPC of any kind.


Container ID used in creating and destroying docker images


Return local django settings as environment variables

This is used when passing in env variables to the subprocess management command, instead of requiring docker containers have a settings file installed with each build of the docker image.


Never, ever, pass secure data as an evironment variable.

class doc_builder.environments.EnvironmentBase(version)

Base build environment

Placeholder for reorganizing command execution.

Parameters:version – Project version that is being built
response(cmd, step='doc_builder')

Render a response for reporting to the build command page

  • cmdBuildCommand instance after executing run, or dict containing the same keys to mock a cmd response.
  • step – Result step for output page


In the future, this should return an actual object, or handle organizing command return to the API on a per-command basis.



class doc_builder.backends.sphinx.BaseSphinx(*args, **kwargs)

The parent for most sphinx builders.


Modify the given file from a whitelisted user’s project.