

Django administration interface for Project and related models.


Default values and other various configuration for projects, including available theme names and repository types.


class projects.forms.ProjectBackendForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id=u'id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.util.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False)

Get the import backend

class projects.forms.ProjectBasicsForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for basic project fields

class projects.forms.ProjectTriggerBuildMixin

Mixin to trigger build on form save

This should be replaced with signals instead of calling trigger_build explicitly.


Trigger build on commit save


class projects.models.EmailHook(*args, **kwargs)

EmailHook(id, project_id, email)

class projects.models.ImportedFile(*args, **kwargs)

ImportedFile(id, project_id, version_id, name, slug, path, md5, commit)

class projects.models.Project(*args, **kwargs)

Project(id, pub_date, modified_date, name, slug, description, repo, repo_type, project_url, canonical_url, version, copyright, theme, suffix, single_version, default_version, default_branch, requirements_file, documentation_type, allow_comments, comment_moderation, analytics_code, path, conf_py_file, featured, skip, mirror, use_virtualenv, python_interpreter, use_system_packages, django_packages_url, privacy_level, version_privacy_level, language, programming_language, main_language_project_id, num_major, num_minor, num_point)


A temporary workaround for active_versions filtering out things that were active, but failed to build

artifact_path(type, version='latest')

The path to the build html docs in the project.

Path in the doc_path that we symlink cnames

This has to be at the top-level because Nginx doesn’t know the projects slug.

find(file, version)

A balla API to find files inside of a projects dir.


The path to the build html docs in the project.


The path to the build dash docs in the project.


The path to the documentation root in the project.


The path to the build epub docs in the project.

full_find(file, version)

A balla API to find files inside of a projects dir.


The path to the build json docs in the project.


The path to the build latex docs in the project.


The path to the build man docs in the project.


The path to the build singlehtml docs in the project.


Get the version representing “latest”


Get the default version (slug).

Returns self.default_version if the version with that slug actually exists (is built and published). Otherwise returns ‘latest’.

get_docs_url(version_slug=None, lang_slug=None)

Return a url for the docs. Always use http for now, to avoid content warnings.


Get latest build for project

Return only builds that are in a finished state
get_production_media_path(type, version_slug, include_file=True)

Get file path for media files in production. This is used to see if these files exist so we can offer them for download.

get_production_media_url(type, version_slug, full_path=True)

Get the URL for downloading a specific media file.


The destination path where the built docs are copied.

Path in the doc_path for the single_version symlink.


The path to the static metadata JSON settings file

Path in the doc_path that we symlink subprojects


Get the list of supported versions. Returns a list of version strings.

Path in the doc_path that we symlink translations

class projects.models.ProjectRelationship(*args, **kwargs)

ProjectRelationship(id, parent_id, child_id)

class projects.models.WebHook(*args, **kwargs)

WebHook(id, project_id, url)


Tasks related to projects, including fetching repository code, cleaning files, and rebuilding documentation.


Old placeholder for build creation. Now it just gets it from the database.

projects.tasks.docker_build(version, pdf=True, man=True, epub=True, dash=True, search=True, force=False, intersphinx=True, localmedia=True)

The code that executes inside of docker

projects.tasks.ensure_version(api, project, version_pk)

Ensure we’re using a sane version.

projects.tasks.record_build(api, record, build, results, state, start_time=None)

Record a build by hitting the API.

Returns nothing


Build the virtualenv and install the project into it.

Always build projects with a virtualenv.

projects.tasks.setup_vcs(version, build, api)

Update the checkout of the repo to make sure it’s the latest. This also syncs versions in the DB.

projects.tasks.update_docs_pull(record=False, pdf=False, man=False, force=False)

A high-level interface that will update all of the projects.

This is mainly used from a cronjob or management command.

projects.tasks.update_documentation_type(version, api)

Automatically determine the doc type for a user.


Utility functions used by projects.


Find matching filenames in the current directory and its subdirectories, and return a list of matching filenames.

projects.utils.github_paginate(client, url)

Scans trough all github paginates results and returns the concatenated list of results.

  • client – requests client instance
  • url – start url to get the data from.

See*commands, **kwargs)

Run one or more commands, and return (status, out, err). If more than one command is given, then this is equivalent to chaining them together with &&; if all commands succeed, then (status, out, err) will represent the last successful command. If one command failed, then (status, out, err) will represent the failed command.

projects.utils.safe_write(filename, contents)

Write contents to the given filename. If the filename’s directory does not exist, it is created. Contents are written as UTF-8, ignoring any characters that cannot be encoded as UTF-8.


This is here to avoid circular imports in



class projects.views.public.ProjectDetailView(**kwargs)

Display project onboard steps


alias of Project

Use elastic search to search in a project.

projects.views.public.file_autocomplete(request, project_slug)

return a json list of version names

projects.views.public.project_badge(request, project_slug, redirect=False)

Return a sweet badge for the project

projects.views.public.project_download_media(request, project_slug, type, version_slug)

Download a specific piece of media. Perform an auth check if serving in private mode.

projects.views.public.project_downloads(request, project_slug)

A detail view for a project with various dataz

projects.views.public.project_versions(request, project_slug)

Shows the available versions and lets the user choose which ones he would like to have built.


return a json list of project names

projects.views.public.version_autocomplete(request, project_slug)

return a json list of version names


class projects.views.private.ImportDemoView(**kwargs)

View to pass request on to import form to import demo project


alias of ProjectBasicsForm

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Process link request as a form post to the project import form


Get form data to post to import form


Form kwargs passed in during instantiation

class projects.views.private.ImportView(**kwargs)

On GET, show the source select template, on POST, mock out a wizard

If we are accepting POST data, use the fields to seed the initial data in :py:cls:`ImportWizardView`. The import templates will redirect the form to /dashboard/import


alias of ImportWizardView

class projects.views.private.ImportWizardView(**kwargs)

Project import wizard

done(form_list, **kwargs)

Save form data as object instance

Don’t save form data directly, instead bypass documentation building and other side effects for now, by signalling a save without commit. Then, finish by added the members to the project and saving.


Get args to pass into form instantiation


Return template names based on step name


Determine if the user selected the show advanced field

class projects.views.private.ProjectDashboard(**kwargs)

A dashboard! If you aint know what that means you aint need to. Essentially we show you an overview of your content.


alias of Project

projects.views.private.project_advanced(request, *args, **kwargs)

Edit an existing project - depending on what type of project is being edited (created or imported) a different form will be displayed

projects.views.private.project_delete(request, *args, **kwargs)

Make a project as deleted on POST, otherwise show a form asking for confirmation of delete.

projects.views.private.project_edit(request, *args, **kwargs)

Edit an existing project - depending on what type of project is being edited (created or imported) a different form will be displayed

projects.views.private.project_import_bitbucket(request, *args, **kwargs)

Show form that prefills import form with data from BitBucket

projects.views.private.project_import_github(request, *args, **kwargs)

Show form that prefills import form with data from GitHub

projects.views.private.project_manage(request, *args, **kwargs)

The management view for a project, where you will have links to edit the projects’ configuration, edit the files associated with that project, etc.

Now redirects to the normal /projects/<slug> view.

projects.views.private.project_versions(request, *args, **kwargs)

Shows the available versions and lets the user choose which ones he would like to have built.