Sponsors of Read the Docs

Running Read the Docs isn’t free, and the site wouldn’t be where it is today without generous support of our sponsors. Below is a list of all the folks who have helped the site financially, in order of the date they first started supporting us.

Current sponsors

  • Rackspace - They cover all of our hosting expenses every month. This is a pretty large sum of money, and we are really grateful to have them as a sponsor.
  • You? (Email us at hello@readthedocs.com for more info)

If you appreciate the service, please consider helping support development on Gittip. It helps provide support for development, as well as ongoing monetary stability in case of sponsorship changes.

Sponsorship Information

We are currently testing out small text based promotions for in-house services and sponsors of Read the Docs. The promotional space will show on the bottom of the navigation menu on all built documentation. It will only show if the navigation menu is short, or the reader has scrolled down on the page past the end of the menu.